All My Strangers

About a year and a half ago — a million years ago, to be exact — I made a goal…

The Wave

In my dream I am standing on the beach on the Oregon coast. In reality, I grew up less than…

Peach Cake

It’s 2020, 4AM.  I’m in the kitchen, cutting up a peach. I have to tell you about this peach. If…


It is midnight. Monday. I am looking out the picture window of my living room in East Nashville. In the…

A Big Sky Full of Stars

My friend Stephen died last night after a brave battle with glioblastoma.  I met Stephen for the first time about…

Red Light Green Light

You are sitting at a red light at the corner of 1st Street and Korean Veterans Boulevard, the intersection where…


On Friday, after coffee with a friend and lunch with my mom and a work call conducted on a city…

Long Haul

A lot of writers secretly want to be pastry chefs. I found this out when my husband, Nick, got his…